Charlie Reale’s Author Website

Charlie Reale's Author Website

Welcome to Charlie Reale’s Author Website! I am a fantasy writer with a few stories available in the Hypnotic Destiny series.

**DISCLAIMER** This website was migrated to a new hosting service, so it is currently being redesigned. Some of the pages might be blank or not published yet during your visit. Thank you for your patience, and in the meantime, feel free to visit me on social media on any of the icons on the top or bottom of this page! ****

Toward the bottom of the page, you will find a few featured stories. However, if you want to know everything you can possibly read, whether it is available now or coming soon, check out my Stories page.

If you would like to learn more about this website and me, head to my About page.

You can get in touch with me or find me on social media on my Contact page.

My blog will be treated as a journal, informing you of updates to whatever I’m working on. I will likely post updates somewhere between once a week to once a month. Check out my Blog page.

If you would like email updates on everything I produce, whether it’s a blog post, a new article on the website, a new video, or anything else, feel free to join my Newsletter.

Below will highlight a few stories available to read. Thanks for taking the time to read this, enjoy the fantastical world of Charlie Reale’s author website and his writing, and have a good one!

Featured Stories of Charlie Reale

How much would you endure to reach those you love?

Would you accept responsibility, even if you know it will kill you?

Is it ever too late to redeem yourself?

Charlie Reale's Author Website